Articles & Conferences
- "The Status of Robotics, Part 1", G.A. Bekey and
J. Yuh, Robotics and Automation Magazine, v.14, No. 4, pp. 76-82,
2007. "The Status of Robotics, Part 2," v.15, 2008.
- "Distributed Multi-Robot Localization", S.I.Roumeliotis
and G.A. Bekey, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation.
v. 18, pp. 781-795, 2002.
- "Gait Adaptation in a Quadruped Robot",
M.A. Lewis and G. A. Bekey, Autonomous Robots, 12: 301-312,
- "Winds of Change", G.A. Bekey, editorial in Neurosurgery,
vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 763-764 October 2001.
- "On Comparing the Performance of Robots and Humans in
Planetary Surface Operations", G. Rodriguez, C.R. Weisbin,
G. Bekey, and A. Bhadoria, Proc. of the 10th International Conference
on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2001), Budapest, Hungary, August
22-25, 2001.
- "Synergetic Localization for Groups of Mobile Robots'',
S.I. Roumeliotis and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 39th IEEE Conference
on Decision and Control, pp. 3477-3482, Sydney, Australia, Dec.
12-15, 2000.
- "SEGMENTS: A Layered, Dual-Kalman Filter Algorithm for
Indoor Feature Extraction'', S.I. Roumeliotis and G.A. Bekey,
Proc. of the 2000 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems, Takamatsu, Japan, Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2000.
- "Distributed Multi-Robot Localization", S.I. Roumeliotis
and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 5th International Symposium on
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS 2000), pp. 179-188,
Knoxville, TN, October 4-6, 2000.
- "Bayesian estimation and Kalman filtering: A Unified
Framework for Mobile Robot Localization", S.I. Roumeliotis
and G.A. Bekey', Proc. of the 2000 IEEE International Conference
on Robotics and Automation, pp. 2985-2992, San Francisco, CA,
April 22-28, 2000.
- "Collective Localization: A distributed Kalman filter
approach to localization of groups of mobile robots'', S.I.
Roumeliotis and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 2000 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 2958-2965, San Francisco,
CA, April 22-28, 2000.
- "A Learning Methodology for Robotic Manipulation of Deformable
Objects", A.M. Howard and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 4th
Biannual World Automation Congress – Robotic and Manufacturing
Systems – Recent Results in Research, Development and
Applications, Vol. 10, pp. 13-18, Maui, Hawaii, Jan. 2000.
- "Intelligent Learning for Deformable Object Manipulation",
A.M. Howard and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1999 IEEE International
Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation
(CIRA’99), pp. 15-20, Monterey, CA, November 8-9, 1999.
- ."Circumventing Dynamic Modeling: Evaluation of the Error-State
Kalman Filter Applied to Mobile Robot Localization", S.I.
Roumeliotis, G.S. Sukhatme, and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1999
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol.
2, pp. 1656-1663, Detroit, MI, May 10-15, 1999.
- "Smoother Based 3D Attitude Estimation for Mobile Robot
Localization", S.I. Roumeliotis, G.S. Sukhatme, and G.A.
Bekey, Proc. of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation, Vol. 3, pp. 1979-1986, Detroit, MI, May 10-15,
- "Evaluating the Mobility Wheeled Robot using Dynamic
Modeling", Sukhatme G.S., Brizius J.S. and Bekey G.A. (1998):,
Advanced Robotics, 12(5), pp. 579–592.
- "Centralized Sensing and Control of Multiple Mobile Robots",
B. Khoshnevis and G.A. Bekey, Computers in Industrial Engineering,
Vol. 35, pp. 503-506, 1998.
- ."Sensor Fault Detection and Identification in a Mobile
Robot", S.I. Roumeliotis, G.S. Sukhatme, and G.A. Bekey,
Proc. of the 1998 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems, Vol. 3, pp. 1383-1388, Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada, October 13-17, 1998.
- "A Virtual Factory Teaching System in Support of Manufacturing
Education", M.M. Dessouky, D.E. Bailey, S. Verma, S. Adiga,
G.A. Bekey, and E.J. Kazlauskas, Journal of Engineering Education,
Vol. 87, No. 4, pp. 459-467, October 1998.
- "On Autonomous Robots", G.A. Bekey, The Knowledge
Engineering Review, Vol. 13:2, pp. 143-146, 1998.
- "Fault Detection and Identification in a Mobile Robot
using Multiple-Model Estimation", S.I. Roumeliotis, G.S.
Sukhatme, and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1998 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 3, pp. 2223-2228,
Leuven, Belgium, May 16-20 1998.
- "Compensation for End to End Delays in a VR System",
Y. Akatsuka and G.A. Bekey, IEEE 1998 Virtual Reality Annual
International Symposium (VRAIS), Atlanta, GA, March 14-18, 1998.
- "An extended Kalman filter for frequent local and infrequent
global sensor data fusion, S.I. Roumeliotis and G.A. Bekey,
Proc. of the 1997 SPIE Conference on Sensor Fusion and Decentralized
Control in Autonomous Robotic Systems, pp. 11-22, Pittsburgh,
PA, USA, Oct. 14-15, 1997.
- "Mobility Evaluation of a Wheeled Microrover using a
Dynamic Model", G.S. Sukhatme, S. Brizius and G.A. Bekey,
Proc. of the 1997 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems, Grenoble, France, Sept. 7-11 1997.
- "A Cerebellar Approach to Adaptive Locomotion for Legged
Robots", J. Hoff, and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1997 IEEE
International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics
and Automation (CIRA'97), pp. 94-100, Monterey, CA, July 10-12,
- "A Strategy for Quadruped Walking on
Uneven Terrain", G.S. Sukhatme, S. Brizius, S. Cozy, and
G.A. Bekey, 8th International Conference on Advanced Robotics
(ICAR’97), pp. 291-296, Monterey, CA, July 7-9, 1997.
- "Recursive Learning for Deformable Object Manipulation",
A.M. Howard and G.A. Bekey, 8th International Conference on
Advanced Robotics (ICAR’97), pp. 939-944, Monterey, CA,
July 7-9, 1997.
- "Tropism-Based Cognition for the Interpretation of Context-Dependent
Gestures", R.M. Voyles, A. Agah, P.K. Khosla, and G.A.
Bekey, Proc. of the 1997 IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation, pp. 3481-3486, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1997.
- "Emergence and Effectiveness of Communication Interface
in a System of Distributed Intelligent Agents", A. Agah
and G.A. Bekey, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 9,
No. 2, pp. 146-151, 1997.
- "Cognitive Architecture for Robust Adaptive Control of
Robots in a Team", A. Agah and G.A. Bekey, Journal of Intelligent
and Robotic System, Vol. 20, Nos. 2-4, pp. 251-273, 1997.
- "Tropism-Based Cognition: A Novel Software
Architecture for Agents in Colonies, by A. Agah and G.A. Bekey,
Journal of Experimental and Theoritical Artificial Intelligence,
Vol. 9, pp. 393-404, 1997.
- "Phylogenetic and Ontogenetic Learning
in a Colony of Interacting Robots", A. Agah and G.A. Bekey,
in Autonomous Robots, pp. 85-100, vol. 4, no. 1, 1997.
- "Prototype System for Automated Sorting and Removal of
Bags of Hazardous Waste", A.M. Howard and G.A. Bekey in
Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XV: Algorithms, Techniques,
Active Vision, and Material Handling, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2904,
pp. 271-277, Boston, MA, Nov. 1996.
- "Assembly Planning for Modular Fixtures", C. Yi
and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1996 IEEE/RSJ International Conference
on Robotic Systems (IROS), Vol. 2, pp. 704-711, Osaka, Japan,
Nov. 4-8, 1996.
- "A Neural Network-Based Controller for Homogeneous and
Heterogeneous Distributed Robotic Systems", A. Agah and
G.A. Bekey, In Proc. of the 1996 IEEE International Conference
on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC’96), Vol. 1, pp.
655-660, Beijing, China, October 1996.
- "Robot Colony Simulator: A Research Tool for Studying
Colonies of Intelligent Robots" A. Agah and G.A. Bekey,
Simulation, Vol. 62. No. 2, pp. 82-93, August 1996.
- "Sub-Kilogram Intelligent Tele-Robots (SKIT) for Asteroid
Exploration and Exploitation", A. Behar, G.A. Bekey, G.
Friedman, and R. Desai, Proc. of the SSI/Princeton Conference
on Space Manufacturing, pp. 65-83, Space Studies Institute,
Princeton, NJ, May 8-11 1997.
- "Biologically Inspired Control of Autonomous
Robots", G.A. Bekey, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol.
18, pp. 21-31, 1996.
- "Efficiency Assessment of Performance of Decentralized
Autonomous Multi-Robot Systems", A. Agah and G.A. Bekey,
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 286-291,
June 1996.
- "A Genetic Algorithm-Based Controller for Decentralized
Multi-Agent Robotic Systems", A. Agah and G.A. Bekey, in
Proc. of 1996 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary
Computation, pp. 431-436, Nagoya, Japan, May 20-22, 1996.
- "Interleaving Assembly Planning and Design", G.J.
Kim, S. Lee and G.A. Bekey, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and
Automation, Vol. 12, No. 2, 246-251, April 1996.
- "Trends in Robotics", G.A. Bekey, Communications
of the ACM, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 62, Feb. 1996.
- "Learning from Perception, Success, and Failure in a
Team of Autonomous Mobile Robots", A. Agah, and G.A. Bekey,
In Proc. of the Seventh Portuguese Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, Madeira Island, Portugal, 1995.
- "Simulating Cooperative Behavior in Robot Colonies"
A. Agah and G.A. Bekey, In Proc. of the Summer Computer Simulation
Conference (SCSC’95), Ottawa, Canada, 1995.
- "In A Team of Robots The Loudest Is Not Necessarily The
Best" A. Agah and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1995 IEEE International
Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, (SMC’95),
pp. 3800-3805, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October
22-25, 1995.
- "An Evaluation Methodology for Autonomous Mobile Robots
for Planetary Exploration", G.S. Sukhatme and G.A. Bekey,
Proc. of The First ECPD International Conference on Advanced
Robotics and Intelligent Automation, pp. 558-563, Athens, Greece,
Sept. 6-8, 1995.
- "Adaptive Stochastic Optimization Using Multiprocessors",
S.F. Masri, and G.A. Bekey, Journal of Applied Mathematics &
Computation, pp. 225-237, NewYork, USA, 1995.
- "Foot-Placement for Legged Robots",
M.C. McHenry and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of The First ECPD International
Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Automation,
pp. 302-306, Athens, Greece, Sept. 6-8, 1995.
- "Comparative Assembly Planning During Assembly Design",
G.J. Kim, S. Lee, and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of IEEE International
Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning, pp. 319-326, Pittsburgh,
PA, Aug. 10-11, 1995.
- "Mission Reachability for Extraterrestrial Rovers",
G.S. Sukhatme, M.A. Lewis, and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1995
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol.
2, pp.1964-1969, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, May 21-27, 1995.
- "A Reduced Complexity Vision System for Autonomous Helicopter
Navigation", P.H. Batavia, M.A. Lewis, and G.A. Bekey,
Proc. of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation, Vol. 1, pp.776-780, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, May
21-27, 1995.
- "The USC AFV-1 - A Behavior-Based Entry
in the 1994 International Aerial Robotics Competition",
J.F. Montgomery, A.H. Fagg, and G.A. Bekey, IEEE Expert, pp.
16-22, April 1995.
- "A Research Methodology for Telesurgery With Time Delays",
A. Bejczy, G. Bekey, A. Rovetta, and R.H. Taylor, Proc. First
International Symposium on Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted
Surgery (MRCAS’94), vol. 2, pp. 142-144, Pittsburgh, PA,
Sept. 22-24, 1994.
- "Sociorobotics: One To Many Robots", A. Agah and
G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Information-Control Systems of Robots, pp.
123-135, Smolenice, Slovakia, September 12-16, 1994.
- "A Computer Integrated Manufacturing Research and Development
System", B. Khoshnevis, D. Sormaz, A. Requicha, and G.A.
Bekey, Proc. of the Fifth International Symposium on Robotics
and Manufacturing: Research, Education and Applications (ISRAM
'94), pp. 555-560, Maui, Hawaii, August 14-18, 1994.
- "Exploration and Discovery During Task Performance by
Simulated Autonomous Intelligent Robots", A. Agah and G.A.
Bekey, Proc. of the Fifth International Symposium on Robotics
and Manufacturing: Research, Education and Applications (ISRAM
'94), pp. 1-4, Maui, Hawaii, August 14-18, 1994.
- "EMG Control for a Robot Hand Used as
a Prosthesis", D. Beattie, T. Iberall, G.S. Sukhatme, and
G.A. Bekey, Fourth International Conference on Rehabilitation
Robotics, Applied Science and Engineering Laboratories, A.I.
duPont Institute, Wilmington, Delaware, pp. 67-72, June 14-16,
- "A Novel Cognitive Architecture for
Simulated Robots in an Artificial World", A. Agah and G.A.
Bekey, Proc. of the 1994 IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation, Vol. 3, pp. 2309-2314, San Diego, CA, May 8-13,
- "On the Development of EMG Control for
a Prosthesis Using a Robotic Hand", T. Iberall, G. Sukhatme,
D. Beattie, and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1994 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 2, pp. 1753-1758,
San Diego, CA, May 8-13, 1994.
- "A Reinforcement-Learning Approach to Reactive Control
Policy Design for Autonomous Robots", A.H. Fagg, D. Lotspeich,
and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1994 IEEE International Conference
on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 1, pp. 39-44, San Diego, CA,
May 8-13, 1994.
- "Software Integration of Pre-Existing Manufacturing Design
Systems", M.C. McHenry and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the Third
Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative
Enterprises (WET-ICE), pp. 129-133, Morgantown, West Virginia,
April 17-19, 1994.
- "Autonomous Mobile Robot Teams", A. Agah and G.A.
Bekey, Proc. of AIAA/NASA Conf. on Intelligent Robotics in Field,
Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS'94), Vol. 1, pp. 246-251,
Houston, TX, March 21-24, 1994.
- "AI and Locomotion: Horse Kinematics", P. Koenig
and G.A. Bekey, IEEE Expert, vol. pp. 18-27, January 1994.
- "Knowledge-Based Control of Grasping
in Robot Hands Using Heuristics from Human Motor Skills",
G.A. Bekey, H. Liu, R. Tomovic, and W.J. Karplus, IEEE Trans.
on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 9, pp. 709-722, December 1993.
- "The USC Autonomous Flying Vehicle: An Experiment in
Real-Time Behavior-Based Control", A.H. Fagg, M.A. Lewis,
J.F. Montgomery, and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1993 IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,
Vol. 2, pp. 1173-1187, Yokohama, Japan, July 26-30, 1993.
- "Control Philosophy and Simulation of
a Robotic Hand as a Model for Prosthetic Hands", T. Iberall,
G. Sukhatme, D. Beattie, and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1993 IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,
Vol. 2, pp. 824-831, Yokohama, Japan, July 26-30, 1993.
- "Generation and Control of Lateral Gaits in a Horse-Rider
Simulation", P. Koenig and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1993
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems, Vol. 1, pp. 572-579, Yokohama, Japan, July 26-30, 1993.
- "Control Philosophy for a Simulated
Prosthetic Hand", T. Iberall, D.J. Beattie, G. Sukhatme,
and G.A. Bekey, Proc. Rehabilitation Engineering Society of
North America Conference '93, pp. Las Vegas, Nevada, June 12-17,
- "Generation and Control of Gait Patterns in a Simulated
Horse", P. Koenig and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1993 IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 3,
pp. 359-366, Atlanta, GA, May 2-6, 1993.
- "The USC Autonomous Flying Vehicle:
An Experiment in Real-Time Behavior-Based Control", M.A.
Lewis, A.H. Fagg and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1993 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 2, pp. 422-429,
Atlanta, GA, May 2-6, 1993.
- "Constructing Design Plans for DFA Redesign", G.J.
Kim and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1993 IEEE International Conference
on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 3, pp. 312-318, Atlanta, GA,
May 2-6, 1993.
- "Combining Assembly Planning with Redesign: An Approach
for More Effective DFA", S. Lee, G.J. Kim and G.A. Bekey,
Proc. of the 1993 IEEE International Conference on Robotics
w and Automation, Vol. 3, pp. 319-325, Atlanta, GA, May 2-6,
- "On Reducing Learning Time in Context-Dependent
Mappings", D-Y. Yeung and G.A. Bekey, IEEE Trans. on Neural
Networks, Vol. 4, pp. 31-42, January 1993.
- "Planning with Intentions", H. Liu, C.D. Rowles
and G.A. Bekey, Proc. Pacific Rim International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence, Seoul, Korea, Sept. 1992.
- "The Behavioral Self-Organization of Nanorobots Using
Local Rules", M.A. Lewis and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 1992
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems, pp. 1333-1338, Raleigh, North Carolina, July 7-10,
- "Group Technology for DFA: An Intermediate Step for DFA
Advisory System", C. Onwubiko and G.A. Bekey, The Journal
of Applied Manufacturing Systems, pp. 59-67, 1992.
- "GAIT-ER-AID: An Expert System for Diagnosis
of Human Gait", G.A. Bekey, J.J. Kim, J.K. Gronley, E.L.
Bontrager and J. Perry, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Vol. 4, pp. 293-308, 1992.
- "A Control Philosophy for Prosthetic
Hands", R.A. DeGennaro II, D. Beattie, T. Iberall and G.A.
Bekey, Proc. of the 5th Annual IEEE Symposium on Computer Based
Medical Systems, pp. 429-437, Durham, North Carolina, June 14-17,
- "Adaptive Abstraction in Expert Systems for Medical Diagnosis",
J. Kim and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the 5th Annual IEEE Symposium
on Computer Based Medical Systems, pp. 345-352, Durham, North
Carolina, June 14-17, 1992.
- "A Shape Metric for Design-for Assembly",
G.J. Kim, G.A. Bekey and K. Goldberg, Proc. of the 1992 IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 968-974,
Nice, France, May 12-14, 1992.
- "Task Analysis for a Versatile Prosthetic
Hand", T. Iberall, R. Zemke and G.A. Bekey, Proc. 1991
Intern. Conf. on Rehabilitation Robotics, Atlanta, GA, June
- "Knowledge-Based Models of Human and Robot Grasping",
G.A. Bekey, T. Iberall, R. Tomovic and H. Liu, Proc. IFAC Symposium
on System Identification, Budapest, Hungary, July 1991.
- "R2AD: Rapid Robotics Application Development Environment",
A.H. Fagg, M.A. Lewis and G.A. Bekey, Proc. IEEE Intern. Conf.
on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1420-1426, Sacramento, CA, April
- "AEX: A DFA Analysis and Advisor System", G.J. Kim,
G.A. Bekey, Proc. 1990 IEEE International Conference on Systems,
Man, and Cybernetics, Los Angeles, CA, pp. 563-565, November
- "GAIT-ER-AID: An Expert System for Analysis of Gait with
Automatic Intelligent Pre-processing of Data", E. Bontrager,
J. Perry, G.A. Bekey, and J.J. Kim, Proc. 1990 Conference of
Society for Computer Applications in Medical Care, pp. 625-629,
November 1990.
- "Integrating Robotic Assembly Planning and Scheduling:
A Two-Dimensional View", X.D. Xia and G.A. Bekey, Proc.
1990 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
Vol. 3, pp. 1956-1960, May 1990.
- "Toward a More Comprehensive Gait Disorder
Analysis Expert System", G.A. Bekey and J-W J. Kim, Proc.
1989 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
pp. 523-525, November 1989.
- "High Precision Robot Control by Cartesian Trajectory
Feedback and Conectionist Inverse Dynamics Feedforward",
D. Bassi and G. A. Bekey, IJCNN International Joint Conference
on Neural Networks, pp. 325-331, June 1989.
- "Optimal and Sub-Optimal Binary Inputs
for System Identification", G.A. Bekey, S. M. Lewis and
F. Abrishamkar, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
Vol. 19, pp. 1199-1203, September 1989.
- "IROS: An Intelligent Rehabilitative
Orthotic System for Cerebrovascular Accident", S. H. Lee,
A. Agah and G. A. Bekey, Proc. 1990 IEEE International Conference
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, (SMC’90) pp. 815-819,
Los Angeles, CA, November 1990.
- "Biologically Based Robot Control", G.A. Bekey and
R. Tomovic, 1990 Proc. IEEE International Conference on Medicine
and Biology, 12:1928-1939.
- "The Multi-dimensional Quality of Task Requirements for
Dextrous Robot Hand Control", H. Liu, T. Iberall, G.A.
Bekey, Proc. 1989 IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation, pp. 452-457, May 1989.
- "Using a Context-Sensitive Learning Network for Robot
Arm Control", D-Y. Yeung and G.A. Bekey, Proc. 1989 IEEE
International Conf. on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1441-1447,
May 1989.
- "Neural Network Architecture for Robot Hand Control",
H. Liu, T. Iberall, and G.A. Bekey, IEEE Control Systems Magazine
Vol. 9, pp. 38-43, April 1989.
- "Robotics Research at USC", Computer Journal, pp.
58-60, March 1989.
- "Shape Description and Grasping for Robot Hand-Eye Coordination",
K. Rao, G. Medioni, H. Liu, and G.A. Bekey, IEEE Control Systems
Magazine Vol. 9, pp. 22-29, February 1989.
- "Decomposition of Neural Network Models of Robot Dynamics:
A Feasibility Study", D.F. Bassi and G.A. Bekey, Simulation
and AI, pp. 8-13, January 1989.
- "Autonomous Dexterous End-Effectors for Space Robotics",
G.A. Bekey, T. Iberall, and H. Liu, Proceedings of the NASA
Conference on Space Telerobotics, Vol. III, pp. 81-88, January
31, 1989.
- "Reasoning about Grasping from Task Descriptions",
H. Liu, T. Iberall, G.A. Bekey, Proc. SPIE Conference on Intelligent
Robots, Boston, 1988.
- "Building a Generic Architecture for Robot Hand Control",
H. Liu, T. Iberall and G.A. Bekey, IEEE International Conference
on Neural Networks, San Diego, CA, Vol. II, pp. 567-574, July,
- "Robot Hand-Eye Coordination: Shape Description and Grasping",
K. Rao, G. Medioni, H. Liu, G.A. Bekey, Proc. 1988 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. I, pp. 407-411,
Philadelphia, April 1988.
- "SROMA: Adaptive Scheduler for Robotic Assembly Systems",
X.D. Xia and G.A. Bekey, Proc. 1988 IEEE International Conference
on Robotics and Automation, Philadelphia, pp. 1282-1287, April,
- "On the Development of Knowledge-Based Systems in Modeling,
Simulation and Identification", G.A. Bekey, Proc. Eastern
Simulation Conference, Orlando, FL, pp. 38-42, April 1988.
- "The Role of the University-Industry Consortium in the
Technology Transfer Process",. G.A. Bekey, Proc. Western
Symposium on Strategic Management of Research and Development,
Santa Clara, March 3, 1988.
- "Workshop on Coordinated Multiple Robot Manipulators:
Planning, Control, and Applications", A. Koivo and G.A.
Bekey, IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation, Vol. 4, pp.
91-93, February 1988.
- "Adaptive Load Balancing Between Mobile Robots Through
Learning in an Artificial Neural System", D-Y. Yeung and
G.A. Bekey, Proc. American Control Conference, Atlanta, GA,
pp. 2299-2304, Jan. 15, 1988.
- "Identifiability of Systems with Modeling Error-A New
Formulation", F.Y. Hadaegh and G.A. Bekey, in Identrifiability
of Parametric Models, edited by E. Walter, Pergamon Press, pp.
92-96, 1987.
- "Coordinating Multiple Mobile Robots for Materials Handling",
G.A. Bekey and D-Y. Yeung, Proc. SME Conf. on Simulation and
Artificial Intelligence Manufacturing, October 14-16, 1987,
Long Beach, CA, pp. 2-85 - 2-100.
- "Learning Activity in Robot Hand Control", H. Liu
and G.A. Bekey, Proc. IASTED Conf. on Robotics and Automation,
Santa Barbara, CA, May 27-29, 1987, pp. 110-113.
- "Estimation of Filtering Properties of Living Tissue
for Inverse Filtering of Surface EMG Signals", Y-T. Zhou,
R. Chellappa, G.A. Bekey, and E. Bontrager, Proc. IEEE Int.
Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Dallas, TX,
April 1987.
- "A Decentralized Approach to the Motion Planning Problem
for Multiple Mobile Robots", D-Y. Yeung and G.A. Bekey,
Proc. 1987 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
Vol. 3, pp. 1179-1784, April 1987.
- "A Strategy for Grasp Synthesis With
Multifingered Robot Hands", R. Tomovic, G.A. Bekey and
W.J. Karplus, Proc. 1987 IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation, Vol. 1, pp. 83-89, April 1987.
- "Circuit Models and Simulation Analysis
of Electromyographic Signal Sources - I: The Impedance of EMG
Electrodes", D. Hary, G.A. Bekey, D.J. Antonelli, IEEE
Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. BME 34, pp. 91-97,
February 1987.
- "Task Allocation Among Multiple Intelligent Robots",
L. Gasser and G.A. Bekey, Proc. of the Workshop on Space Telerobotics,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, July 1, 1987,
Vol. 1, pp. 127-130.
- "On the Modelling and Control of a Flexible Manipulator
Arm by Point Actuators", A.G. Chassiakos and G.A. Bekey,
Proc. 1986 IEEE International Conference on Decisions and Control,
pp. 1145-1150, December 1986, Athens, Greece.
- "An Approach to Planning and Scheduling for Multi-Robot
Assembly Systems", X. Xia and G.A. Bekey, Recent Trends
in Robotics, pp. 457-464, North Holland, 1986.
- "Effects of Structural Error on the Estimates of Parameters
of Dynamical Systems", F.Y. Hadaegh and G.A. Bekey, Proc.
1986 American Control Conference, pp. 917-924, Seattle WA, June
18-20, 1986.
- "Identification of Time Varying Delays in Stochastic
System Via Combined Non-Linear Estimation and Viterbi Algorithm",
F. Abrishamkar and G.A. Bekey, Proc. 1986 American Control Conference,
pp. 1619-1628, Vol. 3-3, Seattle, WA, June 18-20, 1986.
- "Estimation of Intramuscular EMG Spectrum From Surface
EMG Signal Analysis", G.A. Bekey, Y. Zhou and R. Chellappa,
Proc. 1986 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and
Signal Processing, pp. 34.21.1-34.21.4, Tokyo, Japan, April
- "Identification of Robot Dynamics", H.B. Olsen and
G.A. Bekey, Proc. 1986 IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation, Vol. 2, pp. 1004-1010, San Francisco, CA, April
- "Robot Control by Reflex Actions", R. Tomovic and
G.A. Bekey, Proc. 1986 IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation, Vol. 1, pp.240-247, San Francisco, CA, April
- "Analysis of Modeling Errors in System Identification",
F.Y. Hadaegh and G.A. Bekey, Transactions of The Society for
Computer Simulation, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 107-124, April 1986.
- "Pointwise Control of a Flexible Manipulator Arm",
A.G. Chassiakos and G.A. Bekey, Proc. 1st IFAC Symposium on
Robot Control, pp. 113-117, Barcelona, Spain, November 1985.
- "Near-Identifiability of Dynamical
Systems", F.Y. Hadaegh and G.A. Bekey, Mathematical Biosciences,
Vol. 77, pp. 325-340, 1985.
- "A New Algorithm For Isolated Word Recognition With Large
Within-Class Variability", W.W. Ahmed and G.A. Bekey, Proc.
International Conference on Speech and Signal Processing, pp.
878-881, Tampa, Florida, July 1985.
- "Estimation of Time Varying Delays in Linear Stochastic
Systems", F. Abrishamkar and G.A. Bekey, Proc. 7th IFAC
Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation,
pp. 1793-1798, United Kingdom, July 1985.
- "Structural Error and Identifiability", F.Y. Hadaegh
and G.A. Bekey, Proc. 7th IFAC Symposium on Identification and
System Parameter Estimation), pp. 1415-1419, United Kingdom,
July 1985.
- "Identification of Neuromuscular Systems", Proc.
7th IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation,
pp. 69-76,United Kingdom, July 1985.
- "Simulability of Dynamical Systems", Transactions
of The Society for Computer Simulation, Vol 2, pp. 57-71, March
- "Computer control of Space-Borne Teleoperators With Sensory
Feedback", S. Lee, G.A. Bekey and A.K. Bejczy, Proc. IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 205-214,
St. Louis, Missouri, March 1985.
- "Identification of Parameters in Models of Robots with
Rotary Joints", H.B. Olsen and G.A. Bekey, Proc. IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1045-1049, St. Louis,
Missouri, March 1985.
- "A Signal Processing Approach to Estimation of Intramuscular
Potentials", G.A. Bekey, R. Chellappa and J.K. Gronley,
in Mathematics and Computers in Biomedical Applications, edited
by J. Eisenfeld and C. DeLisi, pp. 373-380, Elsevier Science
Publishers B.V. (North Holland), 1985.
- "Closed-Loop Control of the Human Leg Using Electrical
Stimulation", D.R. McNeal and G.A. Bekey, Proc. 1984 Symposium
on External Control of Human Extremities, pp. 113-126, Dubrovnik,
September 1984.
- "A Model of the Skin-Electrode Interface for Myoelectric
Control Applications", G.A. Bekey and D. Antonelli, Proc.
9th World Congress of The International Federation of Automatic
Control, Vol. II, pp. 131-135, Budaprest, Hungary, July 1984.
- "Identifiability of Real World Systems", G.A. Bekey
and F.Y. Hadaegh, Proc. 37th ACEMB, pp. 127, Los Angeles, California,
September 1984.
- "Structure Errors in System Identification", G.A.
Bekey and F.Y. Hadaegh, Proc. Twentieth Annual Conference on
Manual Control, Vol. 1, pp. 149-156, June 1984.
- "Simulability", Proc. Summer Computation Conf.,
pp. 90-93, 1983.
- "Identifiability of Nonlinear
Systems with Hysteretic Elements", A.M. Andronikou, G.A.
Bekey and F.Y. Hadaegh, Proc. American Control Conf., pp. 1247-1252,
1983; also in J. of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control
(Trans. ASME), Vol. 105, pp. 209-214, December 1983.
- "Random Search Techniques for Optimization of Nonlinear
Systems with Many Parameters", G.A. Bekey and S.F. Masri,
Math. and Computers in Simulation, Vol. 25, pp. 210-213, 1983.
- "An Analytical and Experimental Study into the Stability
and Control of Nonlinear Flexible Structures", G.A. Bekey,
T.J. Dehghanyar, S.F. Masri, and R.K. Miller, Proc. Fourth VPI
and SU/AIAA Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Large Structures,
Blacksburg, Virginia, June, 1983.
- "On-Line Control of Nonlinear Flexible Structures",
S.F. Masri, G.A. Bekey and T.K. Caughey, Journal of Applied
Mechanics (Trans. ASME), Vol. 49, pp. 877-884, December 1982.
- "Effects on Finite Word Length on Signal Processing Operations",
Proc. Conf. on Peripheral Array Processors, Society for Computer
Simulation Proc., Vol. 11, pp. 13-32, October 1982.
- "Optimal Inputs for Parameter Determination
of Inert Gas Washout from the Lungs", S.M. Levis, D.Z.
d'Argenio, G.A. Bekey and C. Mittman, Respiration Physiology,
Vol. 50, pp. 111-127, 1982.
- "Equivalence Problems in Structural Identifiability",
G.A. Bekey and F.Y. Hadaegh, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,
Vol. 24, pp. 460-465, 1982.
- "Geological Materials Model Fits by Parameter Identification
Techniques", S.F. Masri, G.A. Bekey, F.B. Safford and R.E.
Walker, Proc. Conf. on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering),
pp. 571-585, July 1982.
- "Is Deterministic Identifiability a Fraud?", G.A.
Bekey and F.Y. Hadaegh, Proc. 10th IMACS Congress on System
Simulation and Scientific Computation, pp. 211-213, 1982.
- "Identification of Nonlinear Hysteretic Systems Using
Random Search", A.M. Andronikou, G.A. Bekey and S.F. Masri,
Proc. 6th IFAC Symposium on Identification and System Parameter
Estimation, pp. 263-268, 1982.
- "Non-parametric Identification of a
Class of Non-Linear Multidegree Dynamic Systems", S.F.
Masri, G.A. Bekey, H. Sassi and T. K. Caughey, Earthquake Engineering
and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 10, pp. 1-30, 1982.
- "Anti-Earthquake Application of Pulse Generators",
S.F. Masri, G.A. Bekey, F.B. Safford, T.J. Dehghanyar, Proc.
of ASCE Conf. On Dymanic Response of Structures: Experimentation,
Observation, Prediction and Control, Atlanta, GA, Jan 1981.
- "Development of a 'Standard' EMG Measurement System",
D. Antonelli, D. Hary and G.A. Bekey, Proc. 17th Annual Conf.
on Manual Control, pp. 515-516, August 1981.
- "Mathematical Models of Skeletal Muscle
Function", G.A. Bekey and D. Hary, Proc. 20th IEEE Conf.
on Decision and Control, pp. 137-140, December 1981.
- "EMG-Force Relationships in Skeletal
Muscle", J. Perry and G.A. Bekey, Critical Reviews in Biomedical
Engineering, Vol. 4, pp. 1-22, December 1981.
- "Optimum Pulse Control of Flexible
Structures", S.F. Masri, G.A. Bekey and T.K. Caughey, Journal
of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 48, pp. 619-626, 1981.
- "Input Impedance Requirements for EMG Signal Amplifiers",
D. Hary, D. Antonelli and G.A. Bekey, Proc. 34th Conf. on Engineering
in Med. and Biol., Houston, p. 78, 1981.
- "Control of Flexible Structures Using Pulse Inputs",
S.F. Masri and G.A. Bekey, Proc. IFAC Congress VIII, Kyoto,
Japan, pp. 3661-3666, 1981.
- "A Global Optimization Algorithm Using
Adaptive Random Search", S.F. Masri, G.A. Bekey and F.B.
Safford, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 7, pp. 353-375,
- "Analysis of Errors in Parameter Estimation
with Application to Physiological Systems", T.M. Grove,
G.A. Bekey and L.J. Haywood, American Journal of Physiology,
Vol. 239, pp. R390-R400, November 1980.
- "On-Line Pulse Control of Tall Buldings",
S.F. Masri, G.A. Bekey and F.E. Udwadia, Structural Control,
edited by H. E. Leipholz, pp. 474-491, North Holland, 1980.
- "Analysis of Errors in the Identification of Biological
Systems", G.A. Bekey and T.M. Grove, Proc. IEEE In'tl.
Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 444-447, April 1980.
- "Identifiability of Hysteretic Systems", A.M. Andronikou
and G.A. Bekey, Proc. 18th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control,
pp. 1072-1073, December 1979.
- "Identification of Biological Systems: Problems and Prospects",
Proc. Joint Automatic Control Conf., pp. 725-727, June 1979.
- "Tactile Information Processing by
Human Operators in Control Systems", H.P. Schmid and G.A.
Bekey, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. SMC-8,
pp. 860-866, December 1978.
- "Pattern Recognition Applied to the
Prediction of Post-Operative Gait in Man", C.W. Chang and
G.A. Bekey, Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pp. 787-788,
- "System Performance Analysis", L.J. Haywood, T.M.
Grove and G.A. Bekey, Proc. Workshop on Computer Laboratory
Health Care Resources, pp. 15-20, 1978.
- "Identification of Biological Systems: A Survey",
G. A. Bekey and J. E. W. Beneken, Automatica, Vol. 14, pp. 41-47,
January 1978.
- "Models and Reality: Reflections on the Art and Science
of Simulation", Simulation, Vol. 29, pp. 161-164, November
- "Accuracy of Parameter Estimation Applied to Physiological
Systems", T.M. Grove, L.J. Haywood and G.A. Bekey. 30th
ACEMB, Los Angeles, CA, Nov. 5-9, 1977.
- "Sensitivity Problems in the Identification of Biological
System Parameters", T.M. Grove and G.A. Bekey, Proc. Symposium
on Applications of Computer Methods in Engineering, pp. 625-634,
- "Computer Graphics in the Study of
Normal and Pathological Human Gait", D. Mihajlov, C.W.
Chang, G.A. Bekey and J. Perry, Proc. Conf. on Medical Information
(MEDINFO), pp. 561-564, 1977.
- "Tactile Information Processing by Human Operators in
Control Systems", H.P. Schmid and G.A. Bekey, Proc. Joint
Automatic Control Conf., pp. 1392-1398, June 1977.
- "Pattern Recognition of Multiple EMG
Signals Applied to the Description of Human Gait", G.A.
Bekey, C.W. Chang, J. Perry and M.M. Hoffer, Proc. of the IEEE,
Vol. 65, pp. 674-681, May 1977.
- "Control Theoretic Models of Human
Drivers in Car Following", G.A. Bekey, G.O. Burnham and
J. Seo, Human Factors, Vol. 19, pp. 399-413, April 1977.
- "An Adaptive Random Search Method for Identification
of Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems", S.F. Masri, G.A. Bekey
and F.B. Safford, 4th Symposium for Identification and System
Parameter Estimation, Int'l. Federation of Automatic Control,
Tbilisi, Georgian SSR, USSR, Vol. 3, pp. 246-255, September
- "Identification of Biological and Medical Systems",
G.A. Bekey and J.E. W. Beneken, 4th Symposium for Identification
and System Parameter Estimation, Int'l. Federation of Automatic
Control, Tbilisi, Georgian SSR, USSR, Vol. 1, pp. 493-516, September
- "A Heuristic Finite-State Model of
the Human Driver in a Car-Following Situation", G.O. Burnham
and G.A. Bekey, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics,
Vol. SMC-6, pp. 554-562, August 1976.
- "Two-Dimensional Compensatory Tracking with Tactile Displays",
H.P. Schmid, G.A. Bekey and J.B. Reswick, Proc. 12th Annual
Conf. on Manual Control, pp. 332-354, May 1976.
- "A Model of the EMG-Torque-Movement Relationships for
Knee Extension", E. Dombre, G.A. Bekey and J. Perry, M.
D., Proc. 12th Annual Conf. on Manual Control, pp. 820-835,
May 1976.
- "Online Estimation of Cardiac Output
from Respiratory Data Using a Gradient Method", J.C. Maloney,
Jr. and G.A. Bekey, Medical and Biological Engineering, Vol.
14, pp. 379-386, July 1976.
- "Adaptive Step-Size Integration: It Seemed Like Such
a Good Idea", G.A. Bekey and M.T. Ung, Proc. Winter Simulation
Conf., pp. 789-792, December 1975.
- "The Human Controller in Car Following", G.O. Burnham
and G.A. Bekey, Proc. Second Conference on Remotely Manned Systems-Technology
and Applications, pp. 5-6, June 1975.
- "Mathematical Models of the Human Driver in a Car-Following
Task", J.B. Seo and G.A. Bekey, Proc. 8th Hawaii Conf.
on System Sciences, pp. 245-247, January 1975.
- "An Introduction to the Use of Pseudo Random Signals
in System Identification", Proc. 8th Hawaii Conf. on System
Sciences, pp. 165-166, January 1975.
- "Optimum Response Simulation of Multi-Degree
Systems by Pulse Excitation", S.F. Masri, G.A. Bekey and
F.B. Safford, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control,
(Trans. ASME) Vol. 97, pp. 46-52, 1975.
- "Identification of Human Driver Models
in Car Following", G.O. Burnham, J. Seo and G.A. Bekey,
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-19, pp. 911-915, December
- "Parameter Identifiability of Dynamical
Systems", M.S. Grewal, G.A. Bekey and H.J. Payne, Proc.
IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, pp. 446-448, 1974.
- "Observations on Some Commonly Used Methods for Identification
of Parameters in Linear Systems", G.A. Bekey, M.T. Ung
and S. Karuza, Simulation, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 69-75, September
- "Hospital Electrical Safety", M. Ridgway and G.A.
Bekey, Critical Care Handbook, Proc. 12th Annual Symposium on
Critical Care Medicine and Circulatory Shock, pp. 409-416, 1974.
- "Analysis of Hybrid Computer Interface Errors on the
Solution of Partial Differential Equations", M.T. Ung,
G.A. Bekey and M.J. Merritt, Proc. Int'l. Association for Analog
Computation, Vol. 16, pp. 47-59, July 1974.
- "A Recognition of Consonants Using An ARMA Model of the
Speech Signal", A. Kumar and G.A. Bekey, Proc. ICASSP,
pp. 42.2.1-42.2.4, March 1974.
- "A Comparative Evaluation of Two Global
Search Algorithms", G.A. Bekey and M.T. Ung, IEEE Trans.
on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 112-116, January 1974.
- "Sensory Feedback Prostheses Using Intra-Neural Electrodes",
J. Reswick, V. Mooney, A. Schwartz, D. McNeal, N. Su and G.A.
Bekey, Proc. 5th Int'l. Symposium on External Control of Human
Extremities, ETAN, Yugoslavia, Dubrovnik, 1973.
- "Clinical Engineering as a Resource for New Product Development",
Proc. Western Electronic Show and Convention, pp. 17/3/1-5,
- "Parameter Estimation in Biological Systems, A Survey",
Proc. 3rd IFAC Int'l. Symposium on Identification and System
Parameter Estimation, pp. 1123-1130, 1973.
- "The Effects of Vehicle Dynamics on Asymptotic Stability
in Car Following", G. Burnham and G.A. Bekey, Proc. 8th
Annual Conf. on Manual Control, pp. 471-484, 1972.
- "Interactive Computer Simulation", E.C. Deland and
G.A. Bekey, Instruments and Control Systems, Vol. 45, pp. 63-65,
October 1972.
- "Identification of Human Operator Models
by Stochastic Approximation", C.B. Neal and G.A. Bekey,
Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 10, pp. 91-116, February 1971.
- "On the Hybrid Computer Solution of Partial Differential
Equations with Two Spatial Dimensions", G.A. Bekey and
M.T. Ung, Proc. Fall Joint Computer Conf., pp. 401-410, 1971.
- "Interactive Simulation of Continous Systems: Progress
and Prospects", G.A. Bekey and E.C. Deland, in Proc. Mexico
Int'l. Conf. on Systems, Networks and Computers, pp. 641-648,
- "Mathematical Models of Large Systems", Simulation
Councils Proceedings, Vol. 1, pp. 1-4, 1971.
- "Toward a Natural Simulation Language", E.C. Deland,
G.A. Bekey and G.P. Moore, Proc. 1971 Summer Computer Simulation
Conf., Vol. 1, pp. 15-19.
- "Computer Simulation of Fetal Baroreceptor
Function", L.W. Morrison, G.A. Bekey, C.R. Brinkman and
N.S. Assali, Computers and Biomedical Research, Vol. 3, pp.
561-574, 1971.
- "System Identification--An Introduction and a Survey",
Simulation, Vol. 15, pp. 151-166, October 1970.
- "EMG-Force Dynamics in Human Skeletal
Muscle", J.C. Coggshall and G.A. Bekey, Medical and Biological
Engineering, Vol. 8, pp. 265-270, May 1970.
- "On the Grading of Tension During Voluntary Contraction
of Skeletal Muscle", L. Ostroy, A.V. Phatak and G. A. Bekey,
Proc. 6th Annual Conf. on Manual Control, pp. 195-210, April
- "On-Line Estimation of Cardiac Output Using Respiratory
Models and Measurements", G.A. Bekey and J.C. Maloney,
Federation Proceedings, Vol. 29, No. 2, March-April 1970.
- "Estimation of the Parameters of Sampled Data Systems
by Means of Stochastic Approximation", C.B. Neal and G.A.
Bekey, Int'l. Journal of System Science, Vol. 1, pp. 63-74,
- "A Stochastic Model of Skeletal Muscle
Based on Motor Unit Properties", J.C. Coggshall and G.A.
Bekey, Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 7, pp. 405-419, 1970.
- "Parameter Identification with a Hybrid Computer Implementation
of the Fletcher-Powell Method", G.A. Bekey and J.C. Maloney,
Proc. 3rd Int'l. Conf. on System Sciences, Hawaii, pp. 175-177,
January 1970.
- "On Modelling the Adaptive Characteristics of Human Controllers",
A.V. Phatak and G.A. Bekey, Proc. Conf. on Applications of Continuous
System Simulation Languages, San Francisco, pp. 159-173, 1969.
- "Decision Processes in the Adaptive
Behavior of Human Controllers", A.V. Phatak and G.A. Bekey,
IEEE Trans. on Systems Science and Cybernetics, Vol. SSC-5,
pp. 339-351, October 1969.
- "Identification of Human Operator Models by Stochastic
Approximation", C.B. Neal and G.A. Bekey, Proc. 5th Annual
Conf. on Manual Control, NASA SP-215, pp. 3-20, 1969.
- "Estimation of the Parameters of Sampled-Data Systems
by Means of Stochastic Approximation", C.B. Neal and G.A.
Bekey, Proc. Joint Automatic Control Conf., pp. 977-978, 1969.
- "Mathematical Model of the Baroreceptor Reflex in the
Full-Term Fetus", G.A. Bekey, W. Morrison and N.S. Assali,
Proc. 8th Int'l. Conf. on Medical and Biological Engineering,
pp. 20-24, 1969.
- "A Model of the Adaptive Behavior of
the Human Operator in Response to a Sudden Change in the Control
Situation", A.V. Phatak and G.A. Bekey, IEEE Trans. on
Man-Machine Systems, Vol. MMS-10, pp. 72-80, September 1969.
- "Identification of Sampling Intervals in Sampled-Data
Models of Human Operators", G.A. Bekey and C.B. Neal, IEEE
Trans. on Man-Machine Systems, Vol. MMS-9, pp. 138-142, December
- "Adaptive Finite State Models of Manual
Control Systems", E.S. Angel and G.A. Bekey, IEEE Trans.
on Man-Machine Systems, Vol. MMS-9, pp. 15-20, March 1968.
- "Optimization of Discrete Systems with Combined Modulation",
L.R. Nardizzi and G.A. Bekey, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control,
Vol. AC-13, pp. 286-289, June 1968.
- "The Changing Role of Analog and Hybrid Computer Systems",
W.J. Karplus and G.A. Bekey, Proc. IFIP Congress, (Edinburgh),
pp. 174-183, 1968.
- "Synthesizing Optimal Controls for Modulated Discrete-Time
Systems", L.R. Nardizzi and G.A. Bekey, Int'l. Journal
of Control, Vol. 8, pp. 571-590, 1968.
- "An Asynchronous Pulse-Amplitude, Pulse-Width Model of
the Human Operator", M.J. Merritt and G.A. Bekey, Proc.
3rd Annual Conf. on Manual Control, NASA SP-144, pp. 225-240,
- "Signal Flow Graphs of Sampled-Data
Systems: A New Formulation", M. Sedlar and G.A. Bekey,
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-12, pp. 154-161, April
- "Solution of Integral Equations by Hybrid Computation",
G.A. Bekey, J.C. Maloney and R. Tomovic, Proc. 1967 AFIPS Fall
Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 32, pp. 143-148, 1967.
- "The Effect of a Random Sampling Interval on Sampled-Data
Models of the Human Operator", G.A. Bekey, J. W. Biddle
and A. J. Jacobson, Proc. of 3rd Annual Conf. on Manual Control,
NASA-SP-144, pp. 247-258, 1967.
- "Parameter Optimization by Random Search
Using Hybrid Computer Techniques", G.A. Bekey, M.H. Gran
and A.E. Sabroff, Proc. 1966 AFIPS Fall Joint Computer Conf.,
Vol. 29, pp. 291-300, November 1966.
- "Sensitivity of Discrete Systems to
Variation of Sampling Interval", G.A. Bekey and R. Tomovic,
IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, Vol. AC-11, pp. 284-287, April
- "Adaptive Sampling Based on Amplitude
Sensitivity", R. Tomovic and G.A. Bekey, IEEE Trans. on
Automatic Control, Vol. AC-11, pp. 282-284, April 1966.
- "An Analysis of Continuous Parameter Identification Methods",
H.F. Meissinger and G.A. Bekey, Simulation, Vol. 6, pp. 95-102,
February 1966.
- "Asynchronous Finite State Models of Manual Control Systems",
G.A. Bekey and E. Angel, Proc. 2nd Annual NASA-University Conf.
on Manual Control, NASA SP-128, pp. 25-37, 1966.
- "Discrete Models of the Human Operator in a Control System",
Proc. 2nd Int'l. Congress on Automatic Control, Butterworths,
London, Vol. 2, pp. 430-438, 1965.
- "Mathematical Models of Human Operators
in Simple Two-Axis Manual Control Systems", G.A. Bekey,
H.F. Meissinger and R.E. Rose, IEEE Trans. on Human Factors
in Electronics, Vol. HFE-6, pp. 42-52, September 1965.
- "Gradient Methods for the Optimization of Dynamic System
Parameters by Hybrid Computation", G.A. Bekey and R.B.
McGhee, in Computing Methods in Optimization Problems, edited
by A. V. Balakrishnan and L. W. Neustadt, pp. 305-327, Academic
Press, 1965.
- "Dynamics of Blood Flow in the Ductus
Arteriosus", J.A. Morris, G.A. Bekey, N.S. Assali and R.
Beck, American Journal of Physiology, Vol. 208, pp. 471-476,
- "Synthesis and Optimization of a Model of Cardiovascular
Dynamics", G.A. Bekey, M.J. Merritt and N.S. Assali, Proc.
4th Int'l. Congress for Analog Computation, Presses Academiques
Europeenenues, Brussels, pp. 383-388, 1965.
- "Optimization of Multiparameter Systems by Hybrid Computation
Techniques", Simulation, Vol. 2, pp. 19-32 (February 1964)
and Vol. 2, pp. 21-29 (March 1964).
- "Adaptive Control System Models of the Human Operator",
Adaptive Control Systems, edited by F.P. Caruthers and H. Levenstein,
pp. 203-217, Pergamon Press, 1963.
- "Analog Computer Simulation of the Cardiovascular System
of the Fetal Lamb", G.A. Bekey, D. Darms, N.S. Assali and
W.A. Manson, Proc. Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Vol.
3, pp. 172-180, 1963.
- "The Human Operator as a Sampled-Data System", IRE
Trans. on Human Factors in Electronics, Vol. HFE-3, pp. 43-51,
- "Sampled-Data Models of the Human Operator: A Progress
Report", G.A. Bekey and J. Lyman, Proc. Symposium for Biomedical
Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 340-360, 1961.
- "Analog Computer Techniques for Plotting Bode and Nyquist
Diagrams", G.A. Bekey and L.W. Neustadt, Proc. of the Western
Joint Computer Conf., Vol. 18, pp. 165-172, 1960.
- "Combined Simulation with Small and Large Computers",
G.A. Bekey and L.W. Neustadt, Proc. Symposium on Combined Analog-Digital
Computers, Philadelphia, PA, 1960.
- "Generalized Integration of the Analog
Computer", IRE Trans. on Electronic Computers, Vol. EC-8,
pp. 210-217, 1959.
- "Basic Components of Analog Computers", G.A. Bekey
and K.E. Sterne, Proc. of the ISA, Vol. 14, Paper PTC-3-58,
- "The Function Generator as a Basic Tool for Non-Linear
Control Systems", Automatic Control, Vol. 9, pp. 42-46,
- "Atmospheric Diffusion of Air Pollutants", W.J.
Karplus, G.A. Bekey and P.J. Pekrul, Industrial and Engineering
Chemistry, Vol. 50, pp. 1657-1660, 1958.
- "Function Generator Application in Process Control",
Proc. ISA Instrumentation and Control Symposium, E-1-12, 1958.
- "Analog Simulation of Nerve Excitation",
G.A. Bekey and B. Paxson, Second National Simulation Conf.,
Dallas (1957), also reprinted in its entirety in the book Analog
Simulation, by A. S. Jackson, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960.
- "Differential Analyzer Study of a Hydraulic Servomechanism",
G.A. Bekey and J.T. Ahlin, ASME Paper 54-SA-4, Mech. Engineering,
Vol. 76, 766, 1956.
- "Unsteady Flow in Open-Pipe Irrigation Systems",
E.H. Taylor, A.F. Pillsbury, T.O. Ellis, and G.A. Bekey, ASCE
Trans., Vol. 121, pp. 143-164, 1956.
- "Analog Computers in Process Control", Proc. of
the ISA, Vol. 12, Paper 56-33-4, 1956.
- "Analyzer Interconnections for Automatic
Determination of Power System Swing Curves", G.A. Bekey
and F.W. Schott, AIEE Trans. (Pt. III), Vol. 73, pp. 238-240,